Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Python Beginner - Module 2 - Dave & Alison 01

 Kita sudah mempelajari module 1 (Up Grade Live: Python Beginner - Module 1 - Dave & Alison 01) dan video 1&2 dari Dave Gray.

Image Beginner (credit to Google).

Sekarang kita akan mempelajari Module 2 dan video 3 & 4 (Python Operators for Beginners | Python tutorial - YouTube) dari Dave Gray).

Anda juga bisa belajar dari sumber ini:  freeCodeCamp.org - YouTube. Sebagai tambahan.

Module 2, Chapter 1
First Program

In Python, which of these functions will display the phrase "Hello John" to the user? Choose one.
* print("Hello John")

Module 2, Chapter 2
Variables ---> somethings can change

What term refers to a reserved memory location to store value(s) and serves as a reference or pointer to the value(s) stored in it? Choose one.
- Variables

Data type: 

Integer: 0, 1, 2, -1, 12, 34
12.0 ...> not integer, but float
12.0 ...> anything with decimal is not integer.

Float ...> Anything with decimal: 12.0, 3.14, 23.1, -3.68

String ...> collection of different characters
"12" ...> string, not integer.
"name", 'John', 

Boolean ...> values, either True or False

Which of these are data types available in Python? Choose three.
- floats
- strings
- integers

Module 2, Chapter 4

Create variable:
True or False: To create a variable, you just declare it by assigning a value to it.
- True

Module 2, Chapter 5

number = "12"
Run Python File:
<class 'str'>
Note: 12..> integer, but "12"..>String

Change from String to Integer
number = "12"
number = int(number)
Run Python File:
<class 'str'>
<class 'int'>

Change from string to integer to float
number = "12"
number = int(number)
number = float(number)
Run Python File:
<class 'str'>
<class 'int'>
<class 'float'> 12.0

A representation such as "12" with the quotation marks in Python will be classified under what kind of data? Choose one.
- String

Module 2, Chapter 6
User Input

age = input('enter your age : ')

print('you are ' + str(age) + ' years old')
Run Python File:
enter your age : 59
you are 59 years old

name = input('enter your name : ')
print('Hello, ' + name)
Run Python File:
enter your name : Atun
Hello, Atun

True or False: The Input() function is the one used to receive data from users.
- True

Module 2, Chapter 7

a = 9
b = 2
a/b = 4.5
a//b = 4 
Note: // is "floor division": 3//1.6 = 1.88 = 1

a**b = 9**2 = 81

% = module = mod...> reminder after division.
9%2 = 4+1 .....> reminder = 1
8%2 = 0 ...> reminder = 0

print('welcome to super simple calculator')
a = float(input('enter first number : '))
b = float(input('enter second number : '))
print('your answer is', a + b)
Run Python File:
enter first number : 1.5
enter second number : 19.5
your answer is 21.0

In Python calculations when a = 5, and b = 2. What value will a//b return? Choose one.
- answer: 2

The followings are the key points from this module:

Functions are predefined procedures in a programming language where you can pass certain arguments to them and they will carry out the instructions from the arguments. 

'.py' is the extension that all Python files carry. 

Variables are data holders that you can use as containers to save data which you can refer to later in programing instead of actually writing such specific data several times. 

The different types of data mentioned in the module include:
Integers - These are whole numbers that don't carry decimals. e.g. 1, 6, 52, 105, etc.
Floats - These are the numbers with decimals. e.g. 12.0, 20.351, 15.105112, 2.05, etc.
Strings - These are collections of any and/or different characters. e.g. 0, 52, ABC, *, &, #, John, etc. 
Boolean - This is a value that is either true or false.


Dave Gray : Python for Beginner

We start with assignment operators
Di new terminal> python3, maka akan muncul: >>> ....> sign of REPL

>>> meaning = 42
>>> meaning

>>> 24%5
4 ...> reminder : 24%5 = 4+4

>>> 24%3
0 ...> reminder: 24%3 = 8 + 0 

>>> 2 ** 3 ---> two power 3

sign equal to: ==
42 == 42

sign not equal to: !=
42 !=42

42 != 43

Value of meaning = 42
meaning = 42

if meaning > 10:
    print('Right on!')
    print('Not today!')
Run Python File:
Right on!

Changed value of meaning to be 8
meaning = 8

if meaning > 10:
    print('Right on!')
    print('Not today!')
Run Python File:
Not today!

Dave Gray : Python for Beginner

We start with data type:
# literal assignment
first = "Dave"
last = "Gray"

Run Python File:
<class 'str'>

# Escaping Special Characters
sentence = 'I\'m back at work!\tHey!\n\nwhere\'s this at\\located?'
Run Python File:
I'm back at work!       Hey!

where's this at\located?

# String Methods
Run Python File:

# build a menu
title = "menu".upper()
print(title.center(20, "="))
Run Python File:


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