Monday, May 6, 2024

Python Beginner - Module 1 - Dave & Alison 01

Posting ini hanya summary dari kursus online yang diadakan oleh Alison dan Dave Gray. Anda bisa mengakses dua kursus ini, silahkan searching melalui Google

Image - Beginner (credit to Google)

Module 1, The Basic of Phyton.

Python is high level programming language....> Universal language.
- can be used to do almost many tasks.
- python developer -----> US$ 120,000

True/False: Python is a non-universal programming language.
- False

Which of these are examples of what Python can be used for? Choose three.
- automation
- game development
- data analysis

Module 1, Chapter 2
What is coding?

Computer can't understand "code," but understand "binary" such as 010101 ......

Compiler .....> executed all codes (all lines of codes).
Interpreter ....> just execute true codes ....> true lines.

What do you call a set of instructions that a computer follows to perform a certain task, at a certain time, and in a certain way? Choose one.
- program

Which of these are the kinds of programs? Drag the correct answer into the space provided.
- compiler and interpreter program

Module 1, Chapter 3
Basic set up

True/False: Python has several versions and you have to choose one that matches the operating system of your computer.
- True

The following are the key points from this module are:
Python is a dynamically typed, high level, interpreted programming language which has easy syntax.

The following are some of the things Python can be used for:
Game development.
Data analysis.

Python is a universal programming language.
A Program is a set of instructions for the computer telling it to do a certain task at a certain time and in a certain way. 

The two different kinds of programs mentioned include: 
Compiler programs.
Interpreters program. 

Module 2, Chapter 1


Tutorial 1/24
>>> ...> command prompt

Low level language ...> Machine oriented
High level language ...> use interpreter ...> Python

>>> name = 'Dave'
>>> name
>>> 'Dave'
>>> quit()

Welcome file: 
Shif+Alt+down arrow ...> Copy
line01 = "********************"
line02 = "*                  *"
line03 = "*     WELCOME!     *"

Run Python File:
*                           *
*    WELCOME!   *
*                           *


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