Thursday, May 30, 2024

Diploma Python Programming - Module 05 - Alison 03

 Akhirnya kita sampai ke bagian ke 5 (Module 5), sebelum assessment. Topiknya berkaitan dengan Date dan Time.

Image - Python programming

Module 5, date and time: Dates - Online Course | Alison

Kita akan mulai Summary tentang tanggal dan waktu.

First, Install datetime library into Vstudiocode
> python -m pip install datetime

Install dateutil
python -m pip install python-dateutil

import datetime
currentDate =
Run Python File:
5....> month, May 2024

Bagian dua dari Module 05, bicara tentang date formats.

datetime and dateutil
> python -m pip install datetime
python -m pip install python-dateutil
import datetime
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta

# Get today's date
currentDate =

# Get user input for birthday
userInput = input("Enter your birthday (mm/dd/yyyy): ")
birthday = datetime.datetime.strptime(userInput, "%m/%d/%Y").date()

# Calculate age using dateutil
age = relativedelta(currentDate, birthday).years

print(f"Your age is {age} years.")

days = birthday - currentDate
Run Python File:
Enter your birthday (mm/dd/yyyy): 4/13/2023
Your age is 1 years.
-414 days, 0:00:00

import datetime
currentTime =
Run Python File:
2024-05-31 13:14:46.764686
13...> 13:14:46 PM

Key Points Summary:

For working with dates you will need to import the date library into your program.
library is a collection of precompiled routines and methods for you to use in your program.

Import is a function for making objects and libraries available to your program.
Without importing libraries, certain functions won’t be available to you, they won’t even show up on the InteliSense.

Complete this assessment to review your understanding of the following modules: - Introduction to Python Programming, - Displaying Text; - String Variables; - Storing Numbers; - Working with Dates and Time. You can repeat this assessment to pass it. (80%)

Score: 44%


Visual Studio is only an editor for creating programming applications. You can use other applications for creating Python programs. Answer: TRUE

If IntelliSense is not prompting you with a function, you may need to _____________ your variable. Answer: Initialize

Which line of code will work? Choose one.

There are a lot of different versions of Python that you could use, select three versions from the following list:

  • Answer: There are a lot of different variations of Python, IronPython, Ipython, CPython to name a few. Most of python’s variations only have some syntax differences but not too many.
  • IronPython, JPython, Jython

Which is the right method for creating a new variable that will hold a string? Choose one.

answer: var myName = "your name"; "your name" is called a string literal. 
Name = 'bob'

For converting data types you have different options depending on the type you want to convert to. Match the description to the conversion method from the drop-down list.

What is the symbol for commenting in Python?

Choose one. What is the mathematic operation for multiplication?

Fill in the blank. Visual Studio Express is a ____________ version of Visual Studio. Type the correct answer into the text box.

Answer: Visual Studio Express was an earlier version of Visual Studio, designed for specific use cases.
They are function-limited version of the non-free Visual Studio and require mandatory registration. Express editions started with Visual Studio 2005.

Fill in the blank. Most programmers use a casing scheme with their code. Two common types are ___________Casing and camelCasing. Type the correct answer into the text box.

Answer: pascalCasing

Fill in the blank. Strings and variables can be combined with the ________ symbol. Type the correct answer into the text box.

answer: Strings and variables can be combined using the plus symbol 

Fill in the blank. The mathematic operation module (%) gives you the of a division.

answer: The modulo operator (%) gives you the remainder of a division.

Fill in the blank. When reading user input for dates you will need to ___________ the user input to the date format.

Answer:  When reading user input for dates you will need to accept the user input to the date format.

In Python you can use triple quotes to enclose your text in the print statement to have your text display as you have typed into the editor. Why is this not a recommended method? Choose one.

Fill in the blank. The first program you write is hello world, the importance of writing this program first is to make sure that the programs and tools are ____________ correctly. Type the correct answer into the text box.

answer: working 

Choose one. You can format the date output you are using with the ____________ function.

Answer: you can use the following functions: strftime

Fill in the blank. For working with time in your code you will use the ____________ library.

Answer: datetime

Fill in the blank. Programmers do not memorize all the functions. When they need to use functions they use IntelliSense, _____________ or Internet searches. Type the correct answer into the text box.

Answer: documentation

Fill in the blank. Saving numeric variables as decimal/integer types is for storing ______________ numbers. Answer: whole

Fill in the blank. print(), .lower() and .upper() are all different _____________ you can use in python. Answer: Methods

Choose one. What does the date 12/06/09 represent? Answer: Depends on the formats you are using.

Choose one. To assign todays date to a variable call currentDate you would use which line of code? Answer: currentDate =

Which is the sign for assigning a value to a variable? Choose one. Answer =

True or False: You can use reserved words such as print for variable names. Answer: FALSE.

Choose one. Which line of code prints out todays date that has been assigned to the variable currentDate? Answer: print(currentDate)

Fill in the blank. For adding a new python file to your visual studio project you right click on the name of your project in the __________ explorer and add a new item. Answer: solution

Which of the following would be good names for variables? Choose two.

What is the keyboard short cut for launching your program with Debugging? Choose one.

answer: you can use the F5 keyboard shortcut.

Choose one. Which is the right method for inserting a float place holder with 3 decimal points ?

Answers: 1)Using f-strings ....> formatted_number = f"The number is {num:.3f}"
2) Using the format() method....>formatted_number = "The number is {:.3f}".format(num) 

Choose two recommended methods to help fix mistakes you can’t find or resolve in your code.

You have created a variable call message containing the text “Hello World” and wish to print it out in all upper case, which is the right line to do so? Choose one.

answer: print(message.upper())

True or False: You cannot change the value of a variable later in the code.

Choose one. Which is the right method for declaring a numeric variable?

Fill in the blank. For adding a numeric variable to a string in your print statement you need to put in a __________ holder for the value displaying.

Answer: place holder

Choose one. For assigning a value to the place holder in the following line of code Print(“I have {0:d) dogs” ), what would you add?

answer: .format(4)


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Web Scrapping Courses - Chapter 01, 02 & 03

Ada ribuan jobs untuk web scraping, apakah full time, part time atau freelance di platform seperti UpWork, Amazon MTurk dan Indeed.

Image Web Scrapping (credit to Google)

Keahlian web scrapping biasanya dimasukkan kedalam keahlian sebagai Data Engineer, Data Scientist, and Web Content Specialist.

Langkah langkah install scrapy di VSC
> python -m venv scrapycourse
> scrapycourse\Scripts\activate
(scrapycourse) C:\Users\Evi\.vscode\WebScrapCourse\FreeCodeCamp> pip list
pip        24.0
setuptools 65.5.0

(scrapycourse) C:\Users\Evi\.vscode\WebScrapCourse\FreeCodeCamp> pip install scrapy

(scrapycourse) C:\Users\Evi\.vscode\WebScrapCourse\FreeCodeCamp>scrapy startproject codebear

(scrapycourse) C:\Users\Evi\.vscode\WebScrapCourse\FreeCodeCamp>

Chocolate project
(scrapycourse) C:\Users\Evi\.vscode\WebScrapCourse\FreeCodeCamp>scrapy startproject chocolatescraper
New Scrapy project 'chocolatescraper', using template directory 'C:\Users\Evi\.vscode\WebScrapCourse\FreeCodeCamp\scrapycourse\Lib\site-packages\scrapy\templates\project', created in:

You can start your first spider with:
    cd chocolatescraper
    scrapy genspider example

(scrapycourse) C:\Users\Evi\.vscode\WebScrapCourse\FreeCodeCamp>


Selain kursus, ada dua website penting untuk install Python libraries yang berguna dalam web scraping:


Monday, May 27, 2024

Diploma Python Programming - Module 04 - Alison 03

Kita akan membuat summary tentang "storing number" di Module ke 4, pelajaran Python programming ini. 

Image - Python programming (credit to Google)

Storing number

width = 20
height = 5

area = width * height
perimeter = 2*(width + height)
Run Python File:

Tak bisa digabung string + number
area = 0
width = 20
height = 10

# Triangle
area = width * height/2
print("The area ytiangle would be " + area)
Run Python File:
print("The area ytiangle would be " + area)

TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "float") to str

Now, we change to %d and %f...> d for decimal and f for float
area = 0
width = 20
height = 10

# Triangle
area = width * height/2
print("The area triangle would be %d" % area)
print("The area triangle would be %f" % area)
Run Python File:
The area triangle would be 100
The area triangle would be 100.000000

we change to %0.1f
area = 0
width = 20
height = 10

# Triangle
area = width * height/2
print("The area triangle would be %d" % area)
print("The area triangle would be %f" % area)
print("The area triangle would be %0.1f" % area)
Run Python File:
The area triangle would be 100
The area triangle would be 100.000000
The area triangle would be 100.0

Next Lesson, Inputting Numbers: Inputting Numbers - Online Course | Alison

Yang diprint string
salary = input("enter your salary: ")
bonus = input("enter your bonus: ")

paycheckamount = salary + bonus

Run Python File:
enter your salary: 500
enter your bonus: 75
50075 ...> wrong, should be 575

Now, we change string to be float or int
salary = input("enter your salary: ")
bonus = input("enter your bonus: ")

paycheckamount = float(salary) + float(bonus)
paycheckamount = int(salary) + int(bonus)

Run Python File:
enter your salary: 500
enter your bonus: 75

user enter loan cost + interest rate + number of years.

calculate monthly payment: 
M = L [i(1+i)n] / [(1+i)n-1]
M = Monthly payment
L = Loan amount
i = interest rate, i = 5% = 0.05
n = number of payment

loan = input("enter your loan amount: ")
numberpay = input("enter your number of payment: ")
interest = 0.05
MonthlyPay = loan[interest(1+interest)numberpay] / [(1+interest)numberpay-1]

Fix from copilot:
loan = float(input("Enter your loan amount: "))
number_of_payments = int(input("Enter the number of payments: "))
interest_rate = 0.05

monthly_interest_rate = interest_rate / 12
denominator = (1 + monthly_interest_rate) ** number_of_payments - 1

monthly_payment = loan * (monthly_interest_rate * (1 + monthly_interest_rate) ** number_of_payments) / denominator

print(f"Your monthly payment is: ${monthly_payment:.2f}")
Note : The formula for the monthly payment is based on the annuity formula.

loan = float(input("Enter your loan amount: "))
number_of_payments = int(input("Enter the number of payments: "))
interest_rate = 0.05

monthly_interest_rate = interest_rate / 12
denominator = (1 + monthly_interest_rate) ** number_of_payments - 1

monthly_payment = loan * (monthly_interest_rate * (1 + monthly_interest_rate) ** number_of_payments) / denominator

print(f"Your monthly payment is: ${monthly_payment:.2f}")
Run Python File:
Enter your loan amount: 140000
Enter the number of payments: 175
Your monthly payment is: $1128.40

When working with variables remember you can store numbers as well as strings, the quotes around the text indicates a string if you want to assign a numeric value to the variable you simply enter the number.

You can perform math operation on variables containing numeric values, the operation symbols for maths in programming are slightly different but many are the same.

Common math operations:+ Addition- Subtraction* Multiplication/ Division** Exponent (is for cubing or the power of a value)% Modulo (is giving you the remainder of a division)

The math rules of order operations are the same in programming as it is in normal mathematics  

After completing this module, you will be able to:
Recognize the process of using dates in your program.
Identify the different methods to format dates in your program.
Recognize the use the same function to format time as you did for dates. 

Next Lesson: Module 05


Dave Gray


Saturday, May 25, 2024

Diploma Python Programming - Module 03 - Alison 03

 Pada Module 03 ini kita akan berbicara tentang string variables, termasuk expecting input dan intro variabel. 

Image - Python programming (credit to Google).

Topik string variable diantara topik menarik dalam Pythpn.

Input string variable
name = input("what is your name? ")
Run Python File:
what is your name?
what is your name? atan

Sekarang, kita masukkan print(name)
name = input("what is your name? ")
Run Python File:
what is your name?

what is your name? atan

Variables: firstname + lastname
firstname = input("What is your first name? ")
lastname = input("What is your last name? ")
print("Apa kabar " + firstname + lastname)
Run Python File:
What is your first name?  wak
What is your last name?  atan
Apa kabar  wakatan

space between firstname + " " + lastname
firstname = input("What is your first name? ")
lastname = input("What is your last name? ")
print("Apa kabar " + firstname + " " + lastname)
Run Python File:
What is your first name? wak
What is your last name? atan
Apa kabar wak atan

lower or uppercase
message = "Hello word"
Run Python File:
hello word

Manipulasi Variabel
name = input("What is your name? ")
country = input("What country do you live in? ")
country = country.upper()
print("Hello, " + name + ". You live in " + country)
Run Python File:
What is your name? Atan
What country do you live in? usa
Hello, Atan. You live in USA

Make short story with python program with include age, place etc. Personal story:
story = input("This story was started when I was at age: ")
country = input("On that time, I was live in the country of: ")
fish = input("I catch fish called as: ")

print("This story was started when I was at age " + story + " " + 
"On that time, I was live in the country of " + country + " " + 
"I catch fish called as " + fish + " " + "Good for Asam Pedas") 

story = input("This story was started when I was: ")
country = input("On that time, I was live in: ")
fish = input("I catch fish called as: ")

print("This story was started when I was "
+ story + " " + ", on that time, I was live in "
+ country + " " + ". I catch fish called as "
+ fish + " " + "Good for Asam Pedas")
Run Python File:
This story was started when I was: 13
On that time, I was live in: Indonesia
I catch fish called as: Red Snapper
This story was started when I was 13 , on that time, I was live in Indonesia . I catch fish called as Red Snapper Good for Asam Pedas

Summary Module 3:
For getting input from the user in python you use the input command.
Input is broken into two parts:- A message you specify to display to the user.- User input.

You will use a variable to record the value entered by the user. 

  • Visual Studio has a built in feature called IntelliSense, which will suggest possible functions that you can call after you type the full stop “.”.
  • Programmers do not memorize all the functions, when they need these functions they use IntelliSense to prompt them, they have or get documentation and they can search on the internet.
  • IntelliSense doesn’t always prompt you with a function, because it might not know what you’re going to store in the variable. To get around this you initialize your variable, which means when you create it you give the variable a value.

Next lesson, Module 4.


Dave Gray
Free Course:

Kita akan belajar Scope in Python.

Scope refers to the areas where variables are visible and accessible within a program. Python utilizes two main types of scope:

  1. Local Scope:

    • Variables created inside a function belong to the local scope of that function. They can only be used within that specific function.

    • For example:

      def myfunc():
          x = 300
     myfunc()  # Prints 300

2. Global Scope:

  • A variable created outside of any function (in the main body of the Python code) is a global variable. It belongs to the global scope.

  • Global variables are accessible from within any scope, both global and local.

  • Example:

    x = 300
    def myfunc():
    myfunc() # Prints 300
   print(x)  # Also prints 300

Next Lesson (12/24)