Sunday, December 24, 2023

Python Basics - Data Structures - Module 2

 In this module 2, we divide in three parts: Parts 1 (List and Tuples), part 2 (Dictionaries) and part 3 (Sets)

Image 1 - Pad Thai, fried noodle.

Parts 1 (List and Tuples)
Tuples is data type that built in Python to store multiple items in a single variable.
Tuples are similar to List, tey are immutable or their values can't be changed.

Tuples are an ordered sequence:
Ratings =(10,9,6,4,2)

String: 'disco'
int: 10
float: 1.2
tuple1 =('disco',10,1.2)

tuple1 =('disco',10,1.2)
index:       0        1    2
hence, tuple1[0]:'disco'

Index can be negative too:
tuple1 =('disco',10,1.2)
index:       -3      -2  -1
hence, tuple1[-3]:'disco'

We can add tuples:
tuple1 =('disco',10,1.2)
tuple2 = tuple1 +("hard".10)
index =     0       1   2       3      4

index =     0       1   2      3       4
tuple2[0:3]: ('disco',10,1.2)
tuple2[3]: ('hard', 10)

len command:
len(('disco',10,1.2,"hard",10))= 5

Ratings =(10,9,6,5,10,8,9,6,2)

Tuple: Nesting
nested_tuple= ((1, 20, (3, 4), (5, 6))
This nested_tuple contains 3 tuples, each with 2 elements.

We can access the elements of a nested_tuple by using indexing:
output: 3 ----> first element of second tuple

List is data type, can contain any data types include integers, strings and objects. Mutable, can be changed.
L=["Michael", 10.1, 1982]
index: 0            1        2
Hence, L[0]: "Michael"
L[1]: 10.1

Negative index:
L=["Michael", 10.1, 1982]
Index:  -3           -2    -1
L[-1]: 1982
L[-3]: "Michael"

List: slicing
L=["Michael", 10.1, 1982, "MJ", 1]
L[3:5]: ["MJ', 1]

Image 2 - Jambu bol, ilustrasi

Practice Quiz: Lists and Tuples

1) Consider the following tuple:
say_what=('say',' what', 'you', 'will')

What is the result of the following say_what[-1] ?
Answer: 'will'

2) Consider the following tuple A=(1,2,3,4,5)
what is the result of the following:A[1:4]:
answer: (2, 3, 4)
Note: A[1:4] is a slice of the list A that contains elements from index 1 to index 3. The first index is inclusive, while the second index is exclusive.

3) Consider the following tuple A=(1,2,3,4,5)
What is the result of the following: len(A)
answer: 5

4) Consider the following list B=[1,2,[3,'a'],[4,'b']]
What is the result of the following: B[3][1]
answer: b
B[3] returns the fourth element of the list B, which is [4, 'b'].
B[3][1] returns the second element of the list [4, 'b'], which is 'b'.
Therefore, the result of the expression B[3][1] is 'b'.

5)What is the result of the following operation?
Answer: [1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1]
Note: The addition operator corresponds to concatenating a list.

6) What is the length of the list A = [1] after the following operation: A.append([2,3,4,5])
answer: 2
Note: The append() method in Python adds an element to the end of a list. In this case, the list A is initially [1]. After the operation A.append([2,3,4,5]), the new list A will be [1, [2, 3, 4, 5]]. Therefore, the length of the list A after the operation is 2.

7)What is the result of the following: "Hello Mike".split()
Answer: "Hello"," Mike"

Image 3 - Karya seni, Singapura

Part 2 : Dictionaries

List has index and elements

The Dictionary has key and value. 
- keys don't have to be integers. Key usually characters.
- key is immutable and unique
- Values similar to the elements in the List, contains information.

To create Dictionary, we use curly brackets:
{"key1":1, "key2":"2", "key3":[3,3,3], ('key4'):4}

Image 4 - Kemping untuk wisata

Practice Quiz: Dictionary

1) What are the keys of the following dictionary: {"a":1,"b":2}
answer: "a", "b"

2) Consider the following Python Dictionary: Dict={"A":1,"B":"2","C":[3,3,3],"D":(4,4,4),'E':5,'F':6} What is the result of the following operation: Dict["D"]
answer: (4, 4, 4)

Image 5 - Semak tidak terurus, ilustrasi

Part 3: Sets

Sets are type of collection means you can input different python types. You place the elements of a set within te curly brackets. 

You notice there are duplicates items.

set1 = {"pop", "rock", "soul", "hard rock", "rock", "R&B", "rock", "disco"}

Convert List to Set:
album_list = [ "Michael Jackson", "Thriller", 1982, "00:42:19", \
              "Pop, Rock, R&B", 46.0, 65, "30-Nov-82", None, 10.0]

album_set = set(album_list) 

The set() function in Python is used to create a set object, which is an unordered collection of unique elements. In the given code snippet, album_list is a list containing 10 elements. When set(album_list) is called, it creates a new set object album_set containing only the unique elements of album_list. The resulting set object will contain the following elements:

{None, 'Pop, Rock, R&B', 1982, 10.0, 46.0, '30-Nov-82', 'Michael Jackson', '00:42:19', 'Thriller', 65}

Image 6 - Buah manggis, masih hijau

Practice Quiz Sets:
1) Consider the following set: {"A","A"}. What will the result be when the set is created?
answer: {"A"}
Note: A set can't have duplicate elements. Therefore the set will only one element which is "A".

2) What is the result of the following: type(set([1,2,3]))
answer: set
note: the result of type(set([1,2,3])) is <class 'set'>

3) What method do you use to add an element to a set?
answer: add
Note: my_set = set()
print(my_set) # Output: {1, 2, 3}

4) What is the result of the following operation: {'a','b'} & {'a'}
answer: {'a'}
Note: The operation {‘a’,‘b’} & {‘a’} is the intersection of two sets. The intersection of two sets is the set of elements that are common to both sets. In this case, the intersection of {‘a’,‘b’} and {‘a’} is the set {‘a’}. Therefore, the result of the operation is {‘a’}.


Saturday, December 16, 2023

Python Basics - Operasi Strings - Module 1 - Part 3

Strings deretan dari karakter, setiap string ada tanda petiknya: ' ' atau " ". Misalnya 'Michael Jackson' atau "Michael ackson"

Image 1 - Cherry, just illustration

String can be space or digits: '1 2 3 4'
Strings can also be special characters: '#$@%'

Name= 'M i c h a e l        J  a  c  k   s   o   n'
index:    0 1 2 3 4 5 6  7  8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Name[0]: M
Name[6]: l
Name[13]: o

We can also use negative indexes.

Image 2 - Bunga liar, hanya ilustrasi

Name= 'M   i   c   h  a  e   l'
index:    -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1

Name[-6]: i

Strings: slicing
Name[-7:-5]: Mic

tuple is a built-in data type in Python, used to store collections of data. It is one of the four built-in data types in Python used to store collections of data, the other three being:
- List
- Set
- and Dictionary. 

Image 3 - Jambu bol, siap untuk dikonsumsi

A tuple is a collection which is ordered and unchangeable. Tuples are written with round brackets.

String: escape sequences: backslash (\)

\n represents new line
print('Michael \n is the best')
output: Michael 
is the best

Image 4 - Pantai di pulau Batam.

\t represents tab
print('Michael \t is the best')
output: Michael is the best

\\ to place single backlash \
print('Michael \\ is the best')
output: Michael \ is the best

Image 5 - Jalan menuju ke Barelang

String: Stride
Name ="M  i  c  h a e l"
              0  1 2  3 4 5 6

If not in the substring Michael, thus the result: -1

1) Name= "Michael Jackson"
What is the result of the following: Name[0]
answer: M

2) Name= "Michael Jackson"
answer: n

3) What is the output of the following: print("AB\nC\nDE")

4)What is the result of following?
"hello Mike".find("Mike")
answer: 6

What is the result of following?
"hello Mike".find("Mike")

What is the output of the following: print("AB\nC\nDE")


Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Python Basics - Expressions dan Variables - Module 1 - Part 2

 Kita sudah bicara Type Data pada posting lalu, silahkan baca kembali:

Image 1 - Suasana di airport, Singapura

Expression adalah operasi (prosedur atau langkah langkah) dalam Python, misalnya:

# Operasi matematika: tambah, kurang, bagi dsb
- Contoh: 10 + 5 = 15.
Angka 10 dan 5 kita sebut operands.
adding: + kita sebut operators

- Kita bisa melakukan operasi perkalian dengan menggunakan asterisk (*): 6*6 = 36

- Operasi pembagian dengan menggunakan forward slash (/): 6/3 = 2.0.
Jikka pakai double slash (//): 6/3 = 2

- Perkalian dan penambahan
contoh 1: 2*60+30 = 150
contoh dua: 30+2*60= 150
contoh tiga: (8+2)*60 = 600

Image 2 - Pakaian saat hari Halloween.

Sekarang, kita bicara tentang variabel.

x=43 + 60 + 16 + 41
X=160, disimpan (store)

Saat ini, kita bisa juga melakukan operasi pada X:

Image 3 - Fly in the sky, illustration

Kemudian, kita bicara tentang variable: 
total_min=43 + 42 + 57 = 142

total_hr=total_min/60: 2.367

Image 4 - Cup cake, illustration only

Practice Quiz: Expressions and Variables

1)What is the result of the following operation: 11//2
answer: 5

2) What is the value of x after the following is run:
answer: 2.0

Monday, December 11, 2023

Python Basics - Module 1 - Part 1

 Ada dua jenis "type" dalam program Python, yaitu Type Data dan Type Function. Type data merujuk pada category data dalam Python.

Image 01 - Bunga Zinnia, hanya ilustrasi.

Diantara 3 type data:
- int: 11
- float: 11.23
- str "Apa Kabar"

11.23 juga disebut real number
-2, -1, 0, 1, 2 juga disebut int (integer)

int, float dan str juga disebut expression.

Kita bisa menggunakan type command, misalnya:
- type(11)
- type(11.23)
- type("Apa Kabar")

Kita bisa convert atau cast (mengubah) int ke float.
- convert atau cast int(2) ke float(2.0), caranya: float(2):2.20
- cast float(11.23) ke int(11), caranya: int(11.23): 11 atau round(11.23): 11
- ubah (cast) int(1) atau float(1.1) ke string (str), caranya str(1): '1' atau str(1.1): '1.1'

Boolean values: True or False

type(True); <class 'bool'>

int(True): 1
int(False): 0

bool(1); True
bool(0): False

Quiz: Type
1) What is the type of the following: 0
answer: int

2) What is the type of the following number: 5.12323
answer: float

What is the result of the following: int(5.99)
answer: 5

Saturday, December 9, 2023

10 Mata Kuliah Untuk Menjadi Seorang Data Scientist

 Ada 10 mata kuliah untuk menjadi seorang "data scientist," menurut EDX, sebuah badan nirlaba yang bekerjasama dengan berbagai universitas dan lembaga.

Image - Hiasan saat Thanksgiving

Ya, paling tidak, dengan mengikuti 10 mata kuliah ini akan mengantarkan anda untuk menjadi "calon" Data Scientist. 

EdX bekerjasama dengan IBM, menawarditawarkan 10 mata kuliah tersebut. Anda harus LULUS ujian setiap mata kuliah untuk kemudian meng"claim" sebagai seorang Data Scientist.

Adapun 10 mata kuliah tersebut adalah sbb:
5) SQL for Data Science
Analyzing Data with Python
Visualizing Data with Python

Kita akan lanjutkan posting berdasarkan susunan mata kliah di atas!

Terakhir, untuk mengikuti ujian setiap mata kuliah, tentu saja anda harus masuk ke site, di web ini juga anda akan tahu biaya ujian tiap mata kuliah: Program Details | edX